(2018) 4 Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr. 81–93
Title of the article Legal Argumentation: Redifining Approaches to Understanding
PhD in Law, Docent, doctoral student, National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine, olgaminchenko1004@gmail.com
Short title
of the journal (ISSN)
Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr.
Year 2018
Issue 4
Pages [81–93]
Language Ukrainian
Abstract Legal activity is fully related to linguistic acts (verbal or non-verbal). The essence of such linguistic acts is closely linked to the so-called argumentative practice in various spheres of legal work. The argumentative practice raises the problem of the authority of the law in general and the authority of decisions of law enforcement in particular. Given the importance of legal arguments, one should not underestimate its significance for Ukrainian legal education and science.
The purpose of the article is to focus the attention of the legal community on the need to rethink the approach to understanding the legal argumentation. To achieve this purpose, it seems appropriate to solve the following tasks: 1) to analyze the state of scientific research on legal argumentation; 2) to highlight the peculiarities of understanding the legal argument in the spheres of education, science and law enforcement activities.
As a result of the analysis, it has been established that the activity of a professional lawyer (regardless of the specialization and the content of his/her work) requires constant use of legal argumentation. The language of law is the basis of legal argumentation. In addition, the study of the language of law involves the question of the essence of law, with approaches to understanding of law – if the legal argumentation is valid from the standpoint of law that “does not keep pace with time”, does not correspond to the legal values and needs of real life (no matter how clearly, unambiguously, normatively, and emotionally neutral the legal decision was made), then the role of this decision would have no meaning. This is important in any activity: in the legislative – in particular, during the drafting of normative legal acts and the provision of scientific findings on them; in the scientific – for the formation of strategic plans, tasks, concepts, ways of development of society; in practical terms – when formulating a decision in a case, giving the opposite evidence and conducting court debates. It is in legal work that the proper legal argumentation of decisions of public authorities is an indicator of democracy, independence and impartiality of the court and, as a result, the rule of law.
Keywords legal argumentation; law science; law education; law practice; law; rule of law.
List of legal documents
1. Pretty v. the United Kingdom App no 2346/02 (ECtHR, 29 April 2002). URL: (accessed: 19.12.2018) (in Ukrainian).
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4. Sinkova v. Ukraine App no 39496/11 (ECtHR, 27 February 2018). URL: (accessed: 19.12.2018) (in Ukrainian).
5. Suk v. Ukraine App no 10972/05 (ECtHR, 10 March 2011). URL: (accessed: 19.12.2018) (in Ukrainian).
Authored books
6. Dubber Markus Dirk, The Sense of Justice; Empathy in Law and Punishment URL: accessed 19 December 2018 (in English).
7. Bajteeva M, Jazyk i pravo: monogr. [Language and Law: monogr.] (Otechestvo 2013) 158 (in Russian).
8. Dworkin R, Taking rights seriously (Harvard University Press 1978) 371 (in English).
9. Vyshinskij A, Voprosy teorii gosudarstva i prava [Questions of the Theory of State and Law] (izd. 2, Gosudarstvennoe izdatelstvo juridicheskoj literatury 1949) 40–1 (in Russian).
10. Yurkevych O ta in, Yurydychna arhumentatsiia. Lohichni doslidzhennia: monohr. [Legal Argumentation. Logical Research: monogr.] (Natsionalnyi universytet “Yurydychna akademiia Ukrainy imeni Yaroslava Mudroho” 2012) (in Ukrainian).
Edited books
11. Koziubra M (red), Zahalna teoriia prava: pidruchnyk [General Theory of Law: textbook] (Vaite 2016) 392 (in Ukrainian).
Journal articles
12. Chornobai O, ‘Arhumentatyvna praktyka v yurydychnii diialnosti: Naukova problema i mozhlyvosti ii vyrishennia’ [‘Argumental Practice in Legal Activity: Scientific Problem and Possibilities of its Solution’] (2015) 8 Yurydychna nauka 15–9 (in Ukrainian).
13. Rabinovych P ta Dudash T, ‘Pravova arhumentatsiia: termino-poniattievyi instrumentarii doslidzhennia’ [‘Legal Argumentation: Terminological Toolkit for Research’] (2016) 2(85) Visnyk Natsionalnoi akademii pravovykh nauk Ukrainy 8–17 (in Ukrainian).
14. Serdiuk I, ‘Metodolohichnyi analiz suchasnykh interpretatsii poniattia “yurydychna vidpovidalnist”’ [‘Methodological Analysis of Modern Interpretations of the Concept of “Legal Liability”’] (2011) 1 Biuleten Ministerstva yustytsii Ukrainy 30–5 (in Ukrainian).
Conference papers
15. Romaniuk Ya, ‘Arhumentatsiia yak kliuchovyi kryterii yakosti sudovoho rishennia’ [‘Argumentation as a Key Criterion for the Quality of a Judgment’] Pryntsypy i tendentsii zastosuvannia pryvatnoho prava YeS i postradianskykh krain: VII Mizhnarodnyi tsyvilistychnyi forum [Principles and Trends in the Application of Private Law in the EU and the Post-soviet Countries: VII International civil forum] (Verkhovnyi Sud Ukrainy; Kyivskyi natsionalnyi universytet imeni Tarasa Shevchenka 2017) URL: accessed 19 December 2018 (in Ukrainian).
16. ‘Eks-suddia Konstytutsiinoho Sudu Ukrainy Mykola Koziubra: “Ne vykliuchaiu sproby kvaziiurydychnykh manipuliatsii dlia prodovzhennia terminu povnovazhen Yanukovycha”’ [‘Ex-judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Mykola Koziubra: “I Do Not Exclude Attempts of Quasi-legal Manipulation to Extend the Term of Office of Yanukovych”’] URL: accessed 19 December 2018 (in Ukrainian).
17. Okrema dumka suddi Konstytutsiinoho Sudu Ukrainy Savenka M. stosovno rishennia Konstytutsiinoho Sudu Ukrainy u spravi za konstytutsiinymy podanniamy 53 i 47 narodnykh deputativ Ukrainy pro ofitsiine tlumachennia polozhennia chastyny tretoistatti 103 Konstytutsii Ukrainy (sprava shchodo strokiv perebuvannia na postu Prezydenta Ukrainy) [Separate Opinion of the Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Savenko M. in Relation to the Decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in the Case of Constitutional Petitions of 53 and 47 of the People’s Deputies of Ukraine on the Official Interpretation of the Provision of p. 3 Article 103 of the Constitution of Ukraine (the case concerning the terms of office of the President of Ukraine)] URL: accessed 19 December 2018 (in Ukrainian).